Šī darba mērķis ir apskatīt ideju par cildeno, kas rodama Teodora Adorno darbā 'Estētikas teorija', un izklāstīt to veidā, kas ļauj to pretstatīt un salīdzināt ar citu filozofu uzskatiem par cildeno. Nākas secināt, ka cildenais, ko estētikas vēsturē mēdz uzskatīt par visaugstāko mākslas novērtējumu, līdz ar 'Estētikas teoriju' un modernisma mākslu sasniedz savu galējo fāzi. Modernisma māksla nav tikai dialektiska antitēze sabiedrībai, kurā tā ir radusies, bet, atšķirībā no citiem mākslas virzieniem, arī antitēze pilnīgi visai cilvēces, estētikas un mākslas vēsturei. Tāpēc modernajā mākslā cildenais nav tāds, kāds tas bija agrāk. Ar tā relevanci tas kļūst irrelevants.The aim of this work is to explore the idea of the sublime found in Theodor...
The sublime has been analyzed since ancient times with a striking compared with tragedy, whether as ...
Fichte cannot be counted among the great theorists of the sublime. Even in his early summary of Kant...
For many centuries the question of sublime was strictly interwoven with the question of beauty. Mode...
My dissertation aims to investigate the role of sublime in Adorno's aesthetics. The philosopher devo...
O objetivo do texto é propor uma interpretação do conceito de sublime na Teoria estética de Theodor ...
The sublime is an operative concept in Theodor W. Adorno’s aesthetic theory as well as in his critic...
Bakalářské práce se zabývá estetikou a metafyzikou umění. První část pojednává o klíčovým pojmech vů...
Modern dünyayı totaliter örgütlenmeler yoluyla denetim altına alınmış bir yer olaraksunan Adorno, ba...
To elaborate on the intention of the previous contribution, this paper opens again the problem of re...
The article concerns selected important issues of poetics and its history. The authors analyze and i...
Šis maģistra darbs ir filozofiski vēsturiskas ievirzes pētījums par cildenuma jēdziena funkciju mūzi...
Šī darba mērķis ir, kritiski analizējot Teodora Adorno Estētikas teoriju, atklāt un detalizēti izklā...
Le présent travail a pour objectif de montrer que les réflexions théoriques et les remarques à carac...
Theodor W. Adorno aesthetics is considered as the last and the most important theory, which is formu...
Mimesis, in Theodor W. Adorno’s and respectively, Max Horkheimer’s philosophy emerges as a certain p...
The sublime has been analyzed since ancient times with a striking compared with tragedy, whether as ...
Fichte cannot be counted among the great theorists of the sublime. Even in his early summary of Kant...
For many centuries the question of sublime was strictly interwoven with the question of beauty. Mode...
My dissertation aims to investigate the role of sublime in Adorno's aesthetics. The philosopher devo...
O objetivo do texto é propor uma interpretação do conceito de sublime na Teoria estética de Theodor ...
The sublime is an operative concept in Theodor W. Adorno’s aesthetic theory as well as in his critic...
Bakalářské práce se zabývá estetikou a metafyzikou umění. První část pojednává o klíčovým pojmech vů...
Modern dünyayı totaliter örgütlenmeler yoluyla denetim altına alınmış bir yer olaraksunan Adorno, ba...
To elaborate on the intention of the previous contribution, this paper opens again the problem of re...
The article concerns selected important issues of poetics and its history. The authors analyze and i...
Šis maģistra darbs ir filozofiski vēsturiskas ievirzes pētījums par cildenuma jēdziena funkciju mūzi...
Šī darba mērķis ir, kritiski analizējot Teodora Adorno Estētikas teoriju, atklāt un detalizēti izklā...
Le présent travail a pour objectif de montrer que les réflexions théoriques et les remarques à carac...
Theodor W. Adorno aesthetics is considered as the last and the most important theory, which is formu...
Mimesis, in Theodor W. Adorno’s and respectively, Max Horkheimer’s philosophy emerges as a certain p...
The sublime has been analyzed since ancient times with a striking compared with tragedy, whether as ...
Fichte cannot be counted among the great theorists of the sublime. Even in his early summary of Kant...
For many centuries the question of sublime was strictly interwoven with the question of beauty. Mode...